Growing and Caring Asiatic Jasmine Tricolore Summer Sunset Asian Minima

How to care Asiatic Jasmine Tricolor Summer Sunset Asian Minima
1. Plant Asiatic Jasmine Tricolor Summer Sunset Asian Minima in a location that receives partial shade, where it will receive several hours of direct sun each day.
2. The Asiatic Jasmine Tricolor thrives in warm temperatures ranging from 18-29°C
3. Provide the plant with well-draining soil, amended with organic material such as compost, peat moss, or manure.
4. Water the plant thoroughly when the soil begins to dry out.
5. Fertilize the Asiatic Jasmine Tricolor Summer Sunset Asian Minima with a balanced fertilizer once per month during the growing season.
6. Prune the plant in the spring, removing any dead or damaged stems.
7. Spread a 2-3 inch layer of mulch around the plant to help conserve moisture.
8. Cut back the plant in the fall, just before the first frost.
9. Protect the plant from extreme cold in the winter by covering it with a plastic tarp or sheet.